When contemplating the ideal driveway material for your large property, it’s essential to consider all available options. Among them, asphalt and gravel driveways. In this comprehensive article, we shed light on the limitations of gravel driveways and highlight the unparalleled benefits of asphalt driveways in WA. Join us on this journey as we uncover the ultimate path to perfection, veering away from the dust in summer and mud in winter by embracing the glory of asphalt.

Durability and Maintenance

While gravel driveways may evoke a quaint and rustic charm, they pale in comparison to asphalt driveways in terms of durability and maintenance requirements. Gravel driveways, composed of aggregate with a clay content, are susceptible to constant erosion, leading to the need for frequent replenishment. Moreover, when they succumb to erosion, particularly during heavy rainfall or intense use, it can leave property owners grappling with continuous upkeep and unnecessary expense.

On the other hand, asphalt driveways offer an unparalleled level of durability, requiring minimal maintenance in return. The solid and even surface of asphalt provides a smooth and reliable driving experience, effortlessly withstanding the harshest weather conditions and heavy traffic. Unlike gravel driveways, which necessitate regular repairs and material replacements, asphalt driveways will stand the test of time, usually for twenty years or more.

Visual Appeal

Comparing the aesthetics of a driveway material is largely a matter of opinion. Gravel driveways may blend well with rural or natural surroundings, but to many people, their textured and uneven nature fails to exude sophistication and elegance. In contrast, asphalt driveways present a refined and professional look that elevates the visual appeal of any property. The smooth, dark surface of asphalt creates a visually pleasing surface, leaving a lasting impression on both residents and visitors. If black asphalt isn’t suited to your property, consider a dark brown or red instead!

rural asphalt driveway

Split red asphalt driveway in Lower Chittering.


Cost Considerations and Long-Term Savings

While the initial gravel driveway cost may be lower due to inexpensive materials, the ongoing maintenance and material replacement costs add up significantly. The continuous need to replenish and combat erosion leads to continuous expense.

Conversely, while asphalt driveways may require a greater initial investment, they offer substantial long-term savings. With their extended lifespan and minimal maintenance requirements, the need for repairs and replacements diminishes considerably. Moreover, an asphalt driveway can increase the value of a property, making it a wise investment for homeowners considering future sales.

A Gravel Driveway Lacks Safety and Comfort

When it comes to safety and comfort, asphalt driveways take the lead. The smooth surface of an asphalt driveway offers excellent traction and stability for vehicles, reducing the risk of accidents or skidding. In contrast, gravel driveways can be uneven and pose a challenge for driving, especially during wet conditions. A gravel driveway can also be uncomfortable, as the loose stones can cause sliding and instability for both vehicles and pedestrians.

Gravel driveways are also prone to producing clouds of dust when used by traffic, especially in summer. This can obstruct a driver’s vision and may cause breathing difficulties for those standing by, along with a film of dust over adjacent areas, outdoor furniture and cars.

Weed and Vegetation Control

Maintaining a weed-free driveway is often a priority for homeowners. Asphalt driveways provide a barrier against wind and water born weed growth, as the solid surface prevents vegetation from taking root. On the other hand, gravel driveways are prone to weed growth, as seeds can easily find their way between the stones. Controlling and removing weeds from a gravel driveway requires regular maintenance and the use of herbicides.

Red asphalt driveway with white kerb.

Sloped and winding red asphalt driveway showcasing the versatility of asphalt.

A Gravel Driveway is Noisy!

If you value peace and tranquillity, an asphalt driveway will offer a quieter experience compared to a gravel driveway. The solid surface of asphalt absorbs sound, reducing noise levels from vehicles and foot traffic. Gravel driveways, with their loose stones, tend to create more noise when vehicles pass over them, resulting in a potentially disruptive environment for both owners and neighbours, especially in residential areas.

Property Value and Kerb Appeal

Investing in an asphalt driveway can significantly enhance the value and kerb appeal of your property. The sleek and even appearance of an asphalt driveway creates a positive first impression for visitors and potential buyers. A well-maintained and visually appealing driveway adds to the overall attractiveness of a property, contributing to its market value. In contrast, a gravel driveway may be seen as a less desirable feature by some, potentially affecting the perceived value of a property.

Forget the Gravel Driveway and Opt for Asphalt

The verdict is clear: asphalt driveways reign supreme in WA, outshining gravel driveways in nearly every aspect. Their unrivalled durability, low maintenance requirements, superior aesthetics, and long-term savings make them the ultimate choice for discerning property owners.

If your property in Perth or the surrounding rural areas needs a driveway upgrade, contact NK Asphalt for a free measure and quote. Find our quick enquiry form below.



Trevor Calnon

Trevor is a founder and Director and has over four decades of experience in the asphalt and bitumen industry. NK Asphalt was established in 1989 to deliver top-notch asphalt works across the Perth metro area and outer suburbs. He is dedicated to providing the right solution for clients and is an expert in all aspects of asphalt works - and the alternatives that clients often compare.